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Why is a licker a must-have in a stable?
Every horse owner wants the best for his horse - a good diet, exercise and health care are essential. But have you considered how important a lick is? While it may seem like a small thing, it's a really important part of your diet. Provides minerals, helps hydrate and boosts your steed's immunity. Find out why you should make sure your horse has constant access to a lick for your horse.
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Myasthenia gravis in horses: causes, first aid and treatment
Muscovirus is one of those diseases that can surprise any horse owner. Sometimes it appears after too much exertion, other times it is the result of metabolic problems. In any case, it is a condition that requires a rapid response. Knowing the causes, symptoms and effective treatments can determine the health and comfort of your horse. Do you know how to recognize the first signs of myasthenia gravis and what to do to prevent it?
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Gout in horses - symptoms, treatment and how to prevent it

The disease most often affects young horses, but older ones can also contract it. Although goiters are sometimes fatal in rare cases, in most cases they can be cured if only we react quickly enough.

How to recognize the first symptoms, how to treat sick animals and what to do to prevent the spread of the disease in the herd? In this article you will find all the necessary information on the symptoms, treatment, as well as prevention associated with this disease.

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How to treat laminitis in a horse? Causes, prevention and effective treatments

If you have a horse, you've certainly heard of ochwat - and not at all without reason. This is one of the most serious hoof conditions that can end really badly if you don't react in time. Ochwat is inflammation of the hoof material, the tissue that connects the hoof cup to the hoof bone. When the disease progresses, the hoof becomes hot, the horse has difficulty moving and is clearly in pain. In the worst cases, hoofbone rotation occurs - and that's when things get really serious.

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Don't underestimate diarrhea in your horse! May be a symptom of a serious disease
Diarrhea in horses is a problem that sooner or later every owner of these animals will face. Although sometimes diarrhea is due to a change in feed or temporary stress, it can also be a signal of more serious health problems. If diarrhea is neglected, the horse can quickly become dehydrated, lose valuable electrolytes and weaken. Long-term digestive problems not only reduce its condition, but in extreme cases can pose a threat to health and even life.
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Linseed oil for dogs - what is worth knowing?

Flaxseed oil is something you may associate from your kitchen, but it turns out it also has huge benefits for your dog's health. It is a natural product made from flax seeds, and its quality depends largely on the pressing process. When choosing flaxseed oil for your pet, be sure to pay attention to whether it is cold-pressed - this way it retains all the most valuable components, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, vitamin E and lignans. But what exactly does this mean for your pet? Let's find out!

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Feline leukemia - symptoms, course and treatment support
Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a virus that attacks a cat's immune system, weakening it and making the animal more susceptible to various diseases. The virus is transmitted mainly through saliva, blood, urine, feces or breast milk. In practice - the biggest risk is fighting with other cats, sharing bowls and litter boxes or close contact with an infected animal.
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Cod liver oil - properties, benefits and uses
Cod liver oil is one of those products that have a long history and tradition in medicine and diet. Although it used to be better known in the context of treating various ailments, today it is widely used in both human dietary supplements and animal products. Its unique properties are due to its high content of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, which have a huge impact on health.
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Feeding your puppy - a comprehensive guide for owners
Every puppy owner wants their pet to grow up healthy and happy. That's why proper nutrition is so important. Puppies require a diet tailored to their age, size, breed and individual needs. Together we will go through everything you need to know to make your puppy grow healthy and happy.
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Collagen for dogs - how it supports your pet's health
Collagen is an extremely important protein in your dog's body. Responsible for healthy joints, supple skin and shiny coat. Without it, the dog's body begins to lose its strength - the joints become less functional and the coat loses its luster. Natural collagen production declines with age, so older dogs may need additional support in the form of supplements. If your dog is very active, collagen will help him recover faster after exercise and prevent injuries.
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