
The disease most often affects young horses, but older ones can also contract it. Although goiters are sometimes fatal in rare cases, in most cases they can be cured if only we react quickly enough.
How to recognize the first symptoms, how to treat sick animals and what to do to prevent the spread of the disease in the herd? In this article you will find all the necessary information on the symptoms, treatment, as well as prevention associated with this disease.

If you have a horse, you've certainly heard of ochwat - and not at all without reason. This is one of the most serious hoof conditions that can end really badly if you don't react in time. Ochwat is inflammation of the hoof material, the tissue that connects the hoof cup to the hoof bone. When the disease progresses, the hoof becomes hot, the horse has difficulty moving and is clearly in pain. In the worst cases, hoofbone rotation occurs - and that's when things get really serious.